French Postage Stamps for sale | eBay › b › French-Postage-StampsFRANCE LEVANT STAMPS WITH INTERESTING "BIO" PERFIN, INVESTOR LOT OF 10 STAMPS $155.40 Free shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED 1862 40c FRANCE STAMP NAPOLEON PERF WITH ANCHOR CANCEL $117.30 Free shipping or Best Offer FRANCE:100 DIFFERENT,USED,OFF PAPER POSTAGE STAMPS.WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET. $0.99 1 bid $0.99 shipping 3h 9m
French Stamps for Sale - French Philately - Stamps from France
frenchphilately.comSince 1849 France issuing its own postage stamps, and since 1876 the country become a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). Postal operations in the country are carried out by postal service. The history of “French Colonies” (stamps issued by France for the French colonial territories) covers two periods: 1859-1906, and 1943-1945.
French Stamps - Etsy › market › french_stampsFrench Horn Self-Inking Stamp. CuteStamp. (137) $15.99 FREE shipping. Vintage French postage stamps: pack of 55 used off paper stamps. Embellishment for scrapbooks, art journal, travel journal S84. PinkFlamingoEphemera. (1,887) $5.89.
French Stamps - Stamp Collecting World › frenchstampsFrench Stamps Collecting French stamps has always been very popular with stamp collectors all over the World. France, with over 2,000 years of recorded history, has had more influence on Western culture than practically any other country. And, much of that history has been commemorated on their postage stamps over the past two centuries.
French Postage Stamps | Etsy › market › french_postage_stamps100 Postage Stamps from France, used, off paper, for paper crafts, collage, scrap booking, decoupage, journals, collecting Poppystamps (36) $7.10 More like this Vintage Bundleware Postage Stamps from various countries - choose Mint or Canceled and bundle size EllistonFarm (1,074) $0.99 Bestseller More like this