Daily HD Satellite Map | Zoom Earth
zoom.earth › maps › dailyHD satellite images are updated twice a day from NASA-NOAA polar-orbiting satellites Suomi-NPP, and MODIS Aqua and Terra, using services from GIBS, part of EOSDIS. Imagery is captured at approximately 10:30 local time for “AM” and 13:30 local time for “PM”. Weather forecast maps use the latest data from the NOAA-NWS GFS model.
EarthNow! Near-Real Time Satellite Image Viewer | U.S ...
www.usgs.gov › node › 25201What does a satellite see as it passes over our planet? This mesmerizing, near-real time viewer displays data received from the Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 satellites as they pass over the United States. Objectives: To see what earth's satellites are currently seeing. Instructions: Use this USGS website to see what satellites are currently seeing.
FarEarth Live – View live satellite imagery!
live.farearth.comObserve planet Earth live through the eyes of Landsat. Pinkmatter's FarEarth Global Observer presents a live view of Landsat imagery as it is downlinked by ground-stations around the world. Real-time data is received, decoded and displayed within seconds of the satellite imaging an area. Watch the data live right now.