Crystal Clear ESL – Over 500 interactive ESL lessons
esl-curriculum.comTrial the first 2 weeks FREE. 72 step-by-step lessons, Level One. Interactive exercises, games, songs and assessments built-in. Approx. pre-A1 on CEFR; Cambridge Starters. Grab-and-go ease of use, minimal prep, stream over any virtual classroom. Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Suitable from 3 years old.
ESL Curriculum and Textbooks for Adults! › curriculumESL EFL Curriculum for Children, Teens to Adults. Our ESL Curriculum is designed for Language Schools teaching with students 13 years and older. We also have a full set of children’s ESL textbooks and storybooks. Our ESL textbooks are in use all over the world. Full Country List, as well as Seattle School System, US Bureau of Prisons, and ...
FREE ESL resource – Crystal Clear ESL
Teachers have requested customisable certificates of course completion for when students complete a level within the Crystal Clear curriculum, so here they are! Please feel free to download, customise and reward your students with these certificates: FREE ESL resource | Monthly Topic | Training Material.