10.5.2019 · FRANKENSTEIN: Exam Planning. In lesson today, we practised planning for GCSE Literature: Paper 1. With the exam in just under a week, we needed to remind ourselves how to …
Possible Questions on Frankenstein Frankenstein is recognized to be one of the Gothic novel expressions and it is suited for a lot of characteristics found in a Romantic novel. All of the elements have to be considered that have a story that includes the settings, tone, narrative voice, character development, and others that contribute to the identity of the novel being a Gothic text.
Possible Questions on Frankenstein Frankenstein is recognized to be one of the Gothic novel expressions and it is suited for a lot of characteristics found in a Romantic novel. All of the …
GCSE English Literature Frankenstein learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. Homepage. ... Sample exam question - AQA. Revise. Links. Personalise your Bitesize!
Frankenstein Questions & Answers Why does Frankenstein create the Monster? Frankenstein believes that by creating the Monster, he can discover the secrets of “life and death,” create a “new species,” and learn how to “renew life.” He is motivated to attempt these things by ambition.
The questions should also prompt discussion and promote enjoyment of the book. This lesson fits into the GCSE English Literature syllabus, where your teenager ...
Frankenstein - Sample exam question The question Starting with this extract, discuss how Victor's ambitions go so badly wrong. Write about: what Victor's ambitions are and how he sets about...
Frankenstein This pack covers context, plot outline, character and theme analysis, together with some exam style questions and answers. This booklet contains: • Suggested teaching order • …