Price Change Predictor › Home › IndexAndroid2Values in excess of 100, or lower that -100, indicate players that are likely to change in price. These are highlighted with red or blue borders. A player will not change its price if it is locked or has changed more than three times in a gameweek. The actual price changes are implemented typically between 2:30am and 3:00 am GMT each day.
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Live FPL Changes Note: This page is not predicting price changes, it's just showing the actual changes that already happened overnight Page updates instantly after any price changes …
FPL Predictions | FPL Form › fpl-predictionsFPL Predictions Statistics-based predictions to help you choose players for your Fantasy Premier League (FPL) team, including predicted FPL points (PP) and predicted team goals. FPL Player Predicted Points (PP) and Value I use a complex algorithm to predict how many points each Fantasy Premier League (FPL) player will score in future gameweeks.
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FPL Price Change - FPL Form › fpl-price-changeFPL Player Price Change Predictions Fantasy Premier League player prices operate much like a stock market. Although there appears to be some manual invervention by the team behind the game, player prices rise or fall based on the volume of purchases or sales of each player. Price changes generally occur around 2-3am UK time.