PostBase 30 Mailing Machine - FP Mailing Solutions …
FP’s PostBase 30 Mailing Machine is the very latest in innovation with its colour touch screen, intuitive interface and simple but highly efficient technology. With its flexible configurations from speed upgrades to account upgrades and software add-ons, PostBase 30 is truly a Mailing Machine designed by our customers for the future.
PostBase pro - fpusa › postbase-proPostBase pro is the smart choice for any mailroom that processes variable volumes of mail. As your mail grows, you need a postage meter that is tailored to your specific mailing needs. The PostBase pro can be adapted to your ever-changing needs at any time.
FP Postbase 30 - › page69FP Postbase 30 Perfect for a first time user and multiple operators. Along with its easy-to-use design, the PostBase 30 features the quietest operation in its class, contributing to a quiet workplace environment that promotes productivity. A standard 5lb scale and 5 accounts make it the perfect entry-level postage meter for your office.