Fortum – Wikipedia Oyj on Suomessa perustettu energiakonserni. Fortum perustettiin vuonna 1998. Konsernin suurimmat markkina-alueet liikevaihdon mukaan ovat Saksa ja muu keskinen Länsi-Eurooppa, Iso-Britannia sekä Pohjoismaat. Suurin osa sen tuloksesta tulee Uniper-tytäryhtiöstä. Vuonna 2019 Fortum oli Suomen 17. suurin yritys 5,4 miljardin euron liikevaihd…
Fortum - Wikipedia › wiki › FortumFortum Oyj. Fortum Oyj is a Finnish state-owned energy company located in Espoo, Finland. In addition to Finland, it is focusing on Germany and other countries in the Central Europe, Great Britain, and the Nordic. Fortum operates power plants, including co-generation plants, and generates and sells electricity and heat.
Fortum - Wikipedia Oyj is a Finnish state-owned energy company located in Espoo, Finland. In addition to Finland, it is focusing on Germany and other countries in the Central Europe, Great Britain, and the Nordic. Fortum operates power plants, including co-generation plants, and generates and sells electricity and heat. The company also sells waste services such as recycling, reutilisation, final disposal solutions an…
For a cleaner world | Fortum
www.fortum.comJun 04, 2021 · For a cleaner world. Our purpose is to drive the change for a cleaner world. We are securing a fast and reliable transition to a carbon-neutral economy by providing customers and societies with clean energy and sustainable solutions. This is Fortum. Scrolling Ticker.