Add to Cart. COVERS, POSTCARDS, HISTORIC PHOTOS – MASSIVE SELECTION – 418137. $12,500.00. Add to Cart. HIGH QUALITY US & INTERNATIONAL COVER COLLECTION – 418815. $3,250.00. Add to Cart. COVERS! – 10 LARGE CARTONS FULL OF COVERS – 419017. $8,750.00.
4.10.2022 · Worldwide Stamp & Philatelic Price Lists: GREAT VALUES! Selected better values and stamps in particularly attractive condition. NH, Mint, and Used at great prices. Last updated on: …
6.10.2022 · More than 190,000 different postage stamp series, in various conditions. However, the strongest point of PostBeeld is its stock turnover. Almost every day we add hundreds to …
2022 Ukraine Good Evening, We Are From Ukraine: Ukraine Tractor Hauling Russian Scrap, 2 Mint Sheets of 6. $79.95. view now >. Worldwide Stamps #M2054. Worldwide 1lb. off paper. …
This website offers you a fine selection of European and Foreign sets and better single items that are currently in stock. To begin your search click on any of the buttons at the top or select a …
7.6.2022 · Known as Canada’s most valuable, rarest, and sought-after basic stamp, the 1851 12d Black Empress wasn’t often used. The 12d face value paid for a limited scope of destinations, …
Jun 07, 2022 · 1. Mauritius Post Office Stamps: $12,760,600. Worth more than some of the most valuable paintings, the Mauritius Post Office stamps are the most expensive stamps in the world. At first glance, you might think the Mauritius Post Office stamps are the same as other British stamps from the era.
Available for paid subscribers. Join or Log i n to see the price. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Type III. Values for Type III are for at least 2mm break in each outer line. Examples with wider breaks command higher prices; those with smaller breaks sell for much less. Values take into accout the margin size SP This stamp has a Special Peculiarity.
Valuable Foreign Stamps for Sale | Foreign Stamps for Collectors, Home, General Foreign, General Foreign, Sort By, TOPICAL COVERS + AUTOGRAPHS – 419637, $1,900.00, Add to Cart, DANISH …
Aug 17, 2021 · British Guiana 1-Cent Magenta, 1856 stamp was sold in New York for $9.48 million at Sotheby's in June 2014. On June 8, 2021, Sotheby’s conducted the Three Treasures sale where the famous British Guiana One-Cent Magenta was offered. The auction house estimated that the lot would fetch $10-15 million.
May 10, 2022 · Value: $1.4 million. Bottom Line: Two Penny Blue. The Mauritius Two Penny Blue sold for 1.6 million Swiss Francs in 1992 ($1.77 million today). It held the award for highest price ever sold for a British Commonwealth stamp for over 20 years. 7. Baden 9 Kreuzer Error. Value: $1.545 million. Bottom Line: Baden 9 Kreuzer Error
These rare stamps have sold for huge amounts of money. ... rarest philatelic treasures can sell for millions, with world record prices being set recently.
To find the value of your stamp please enter a brief description such as the scene or the words represented on your stamp, denomination and color (use only simple colors) of your stamp. To make more close match please add more details of your stamp in request.
Some old and used stamps can be very valuable and ordinary-looking items can be expensive if they wear a so-called secret mark. Lucky finders of valued stamps, $ 2,500, Found by Mr. …
Vol. 4 of the 2016 edition of the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue contains almost 7,500 value changes. Almost all countries in this volume — Jamaica through Mozambique Company — …
An list of all the famous stamps in the world. Contains the nick name, picture of the stamp, approximate value, date, issuer and description of the stamp. Stamps Home: Rare Stamps …