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https://www.foreca.comSouth Hill, Mecklenburg-Brunswick Regional Airport 49° Clear Dewpoint 43° Rel. hum. 79 % Feels like 50° Pressure 30.1 inHg Visibility 10 mi 28 minutes ago Nearest observations show current …
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www.foreca.comForeca provides you the most accurate local and long-range weather forecasts, radar maps, alerts, and severe weather updates for worldwide locations.
Sää Jyväskylä 10 vrk - › Finland › JyvaskylaTuuliennuste kertoo vuorokauden suurimman 10 minuutin keskituulen nopeuden. Huomioithan että erityisesti sisämaassa puuskat voivat olla jopa 1,5 - 2,5 kertaa voimakkaampia kuin ilmoitettu keskituuli. Sademääräennuste kertoo koko vuorokauden sadesumman. Sademäärä ilmoitetaan vesi- ja räntäsateella millimetreinä ja lumisateella ...
Home - Foreca › enAt Foreca we have 20 years of experience and know-how in weather forecasts. We build unprecedented accuracy in weather forecasting by combining meteorological expertise with cutting-edge data science. Foreca is widely recognised for premium-quality forecasts, customer-responsiveness and speed of delivery. Learn more.