Kauppakeskus Iso Omena Espoo - Home
www.isoomena.fi › enThe heart of Iso Omena is the restaurant world M.E.E.T (Meet, Eat, Enjoy, Together), which boasts an impressive selection of high-quality food. The traffic connections to Iso Omena are excellent. The terminus of the first phase of the Länsimetro Western metro extension is located in the shopping centre, and the bus terminal for feeder traffic is located under the shopping centre.
Factory Iso Omena
ravintolafactory.com › iso-omenaFactory Iso Omena. Factoryn Iltabuffet Katso Lisää! Factoryn Lauantailounas Katso lisää! Lounas. Salaattibaari ”Perusprinsiipit: tuoreus, puhtaus ja ylenpalttisuus.”. Lue lisää. BringBack "Way to go. Täytä herkuilla, vie minne haluat, nauti ja palauta." Tutustu.