Articles - Visma › articlesVisma Fivaldi API provides modern and flexible possibilities to integrate other systems and services with Visma Fivaldi. Integrations can be used for real time data transfer between Fivaldi and external systems and to automate tasks. The API is based on REST and JSON format and documented using OpenAPI specification.
Fivaldi – Edelmira › en › fivaldiFivaldi. Visma Fivaldi is an electronic financial management cloud service used in conjunction with the accounting company. You can begin the traditional economic governance cooperation with Visma Fivaldi partner agencies and use the parts of the electronic financial management that you need as your business continues to grow. In addition, you can agree on the co-operation model with your accounting company with full flexibility.
Visma Fivaldi taloushallinto-ohjelma - Visma › visma-fivaldiPyydä tarjous Visma Fivaldi Taloushallinto-ohjelmasta tai kysy lisää palveluistamme: Täyttämällä oheisen lomakkeen; Puhelimitse puh: +358 2 480 90482 (8,4snt/min + pvm) Sähköpostitse; Varaa maksuton esittely. Tutustu Fivaldiin asiantuntijan opastuksella – varaa demoaika suoraan kalenterista! »