Finnkino - Plevna Tampere › teatterit › plevnaFinnkino Plevna Itäinenkatu 4, 33210 Tampere Teatterien aukioloajat löydät täältä . Turvallisuuskäytännöistämme voit lukea lisää täältä. Esittely Finlaysonin alue Tampereella on monipuolinen ja kehittyvä yritys- ja palvelukeskittymä. Satojen työpaikkojen lisäksi alueella on vahva kulttuuri- ja ravintolatarjonta.
Finnkino - Plevna Tampere Plevna. Itäinenkatu 4, 33210 Tampere. Teatterien aukioloajat löydät täält ... Finnkino Plevnan kymmenessä salissa on yhteensä 1650 asiakaspaikkaa. Suurimmasta salista löytyy 495 asiakaspaikkaa. Kaikki salit on tehty vastaamaan alan viimeisimpiä laatuvaatimuksia.
Finnkino Plevna - Wikipedia › wiki › Finnkino_PlevnaPlevna is a Finnkino movie theatre in central Tampere, Finland, in the Finlayson district. With its ten auditoria it is the largest movie theatre in Tampere and one of the largest in Finland. The theatre is located in the old Finlayson industrial area in the old Plevna industrial building.
Finnkino Plevna - Wikipedia is a Finnkino movie theatre in central Tampere, Finland, in the Finlayson district. With its ten auditoria it is the largest movie theatre in Tampere and one of the largest in Finland. The theatre is located in the old Finlayson industrial area in the old Plevna industrial building. The theatre was opened in 1999 and it has a total of 1653 seats.
Finnkino - Plevna Tampere › en › teatteritFinnkino Plevna is located in the Finlayson area of Tampere. The Finlayson area is a versatile and evolving business and service center. There are numerous restaurants, cafes and specialty shops around the cinema. Plevna was completely rebuilt in 1999 into a modern cinema. Plevna's ten cinema auditoriums have a total of 1650 seats.