History of Finland | Britannica
www.britannica.com › topic › history-of-FinlandThe reformer there was Mikael Agricola, called “the father of written Finnish.” The Baltic states of Livonia and Estonia were officially Lutheran in 1554. Austria under the Habsburgs provided no state support for the evangelical movement, which nevertheless gained… Read More resistance to Soviet domination In history of Europe: A climate of fear
History of Finland - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_FinlandDuring the Finnish War between Sweden and Russia, Finland was again conquered by the armies of Tsar Alexander I. The four Estates of occupied Finland were assembled at the Diet of Porvoo on 29 March 1809, to pledge allegiance to Alexander I of Russia. Following the Swedish defeat in the war and the signing of the Treaty of Fredrikshamn on 17 September 1809, Finland remai…
History of Finland - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › History_of_FinlandFinnish nationalism emerged in the 19th century. It focused on Finnish cultural traditions, folklore, and mythology, including music and—especially—the highly distinctive language and lyrics associated with it. One product of this era was the Kalevala, one of the most significant works of Finnish literature.
Finnish history - InfoFinland
www.infofinland.fi › finnish-historyFinnish history is a story of trading routes, clashes of cultures and life next to great neighbours. Finnish prehistory to 1323 People have lived in the region of Finland since the Ice Age, circa 8800 BCE. Habitation first settled along water routes, and since then busy trading traffic has always passed through the region.