This fun and simple game is great for seniors including people living with dementia. Includes well known sayings, idioms and proverbs that they will ...
SNL: Finish the Catchphrase Stats ... Go to your Sporcle Settings to finish the process. est. 2007. mentally stimulating diversions. 4,962,916,090 quizzes played.
Feb 12, 2018 · Game Shows: Finish The Catchphrase Quiz Popular Quizzes Today 1 Countries of Europe: Logic Quiz 2 Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield 3 Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield 4 Countries of the World Television Show Random Television or Show Quiz Game Shows: Finish The Catchphrase
Finishing touch From soup to nuts Get hold of the wrong end of the stick Get to the end of your tether Get your end away Go in for the kill Go off the deep end Go the distance Going, going, gone Have your hair stand on end Hit it out of the park ( A baseball expression denoting a complete or spectacular success )
A feather in one's cap A fish rots from the head down A fish out of water A fly in the ointment A fool and his money are soon parted A fool's paradise A foot in the door A foregone conclusion A friend in need is a friend indeed A golden key can open any door A good beginning makes a good ending A good hiding A good man is hard to find