Procountor; Koulutus Myynti 020 7879 830. Operaattorisi veloittaa puheluista: 8,35 snt/puh + 16,69 snt/min (sis. ALV 24 %) Your carrier charges for calls …
Accountor Finago AS ceasing operations in Norway › en › newsOct 27, 2021 · Accountor Finago has updated its international strategy during fall 2021 and has decided to focus on operations in Finland, Sweden and Denmark. Thus, we would like to inform you that Accountor Finago AS is ceasing operations in Norway and as a result Procountor will no longer be provided as a solution for the Norwegian market. Procountor in […]
News - Accountor Finago › en › newsOct 27, 2021 · Accountor expands its finance and accounting services with two strategic acquisitions and strengthens its position as a forerunner in the digitalisation of the industry. Accountor has acquired the entire share capital of the e-invoicing company Apix Messaging Oy and 25 percent share of the... Read the article . 07.12.2020.
Careers - Accountor Finago › en › recruitmentAccountor Finago’s software is already used by over 120,000 SMEs and over 1,400 accounting firms. We provide regular updates to our offering to enable our clients to work as efficiently as possible. We are already more than 240 enthusiastic professionals keen to grow – and we are constantly looking for new colleagues to join our a+team.
Finago Network - Accountor Finago › en › finago-networkappointed contact person at Accountor Finago to facilitate cooperation. commercial case-by-case cooperation in the form of reselling commissions, for example. Finago Network consists of three levels: Integrator , Member, and Partner. The higher the level, the better the benefits. Benefits of the Finago Network Partner levels. Integrator. Member.
Home – Finago › enOur team always looks for the solution that is a perfect fit for your situation. Our network is solution-oriented and will serve your interests with transparency and impeccable professional ethics. Excellence and trust are part of everything that Finago represents, from our product and service offer to our top-notch expertise. drive your success.