Java decompiler online
www.javadecompilers.comThis site provides a user interface to extract source code from .class and .jar ‘binary’ files. Until recently, you needed to use a Java decompiler and all of them were either unstable, obsolete, unfinished, or in the best case all of the above. And, if not, then they were commercial.
Binary Ninja
https://binary.ninjaWebTry in seconds for free with Cloud. Disassemble and decompile code. Automate analysis with C++, Python, or Rust. Binary Ninja is an interactive decompiler, disassembler, debugger, and binary analysis platform built …
JDec - Java Decompiler Online
jdec.appJDec is a online Java decompiler that provides a fast way to decompile JAR files. Instant access to the files, no need to wait. Also supports downloading decompiled java code.
JustDecompile .NET Assembly Decompiler & Browser Decompiler 10 times faster than competitors. Extensible Open API for everyone to create extensions. Easy Assembly Management Supports .NET 2.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, WinRT …
View EXE / PE file contents
exe.urih.comFree Executable online viewer Header Example Resources EXE headers · analyze portable executable files (.exe, .dll, .drv, .sys, .etc) online and view basic header information and images / icons embedded into file. Upload file: Browse for file (max 5 MB)
Archive Extractor Online
https://extract.meWebArchive Extractor is a small and easy online tool that can extract over 70 types of compressed files, such as 7z, zipx, rar, tar, exe, dmg and much more. Choose file. from …
Binary Ninja
binary.ninjaDecompile software built for many common architectures on Windows, macOS, and Linux for a single price, or try out our limited (but free!) Cloud version. Disassemble Disassemble executables and libraries from multiple formats, platforms, and architectures. Decompile Decompile code to C or BNIL for any supported architecture - including your own.
Decompiler Explorer
https://dogbolt.orgWebDecompiler Explorer is an interactive online decompiler which shows equivalent C-like output of decompiled programs from many popular decompilers. What is this? Upload File