Fida International – Wikipedia International ry eli Fida on vuonna 1927 perustettu Suomen helluntaiseurakuntien lähetystyön, kehitysyhteistyön ja humanitaarisen avun järjestö. Fida on suurimpia suomalaisia kummilapsi- ja kehitysyhteistyöjärjestöjä, ja Suomen suurin lähetysjärjestö. Sana fida on latinaa ja merkitsee uskollista ja luotettavaa. Fida perustaa toimintansa kokonaisvaltaiseen ihmiskäsitykseen ja kristillisiin arvoihin, kuten lähi…
FIDA | International Council on Archives › en › fida-board-trusteesFIDA supports archives in the developing world. ICA’s Fund for the International Development of Archives (FIDA) provides assistance to archive professionals and institutions working in especially challenging conditions, usually in developing countries. Its role is to help them to help themselves, by providing support to develop archivists in ...
Fida International - About us in english › enDec 03, 2021 · Fida International. Fida International is a Finnish faith-based organisation working in global missions, community development and humanitarian aid in 50 countries. We aim to bring hope and a better future to all nations - especially to children living in poverty. We work in close cooperation with local Pentecostal churches and other NGO partners.
Fida International – Friends Of The Great Commission › fida-internationalFida International. Fida International aims to bring hope and a better future to the poorest of the poor. In particular, we are working to improve the rights of vulnerable children. Our goal is to share the Gospel, plant churches, and equip them to start their own holistic mission work. The objective of our missionary work is to plant new ...
FIDA Ghana
https://www.fidaghana.org30.1.2019 · FIDA Ghana. The International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Ghana) is a non-profit nonpartisan organization committed to addressing discriminatory practices and promoting and protecting the rights of women and children in Ghana. FIDA-Ghana also holds the government of Ghana responsible to its obligations towards the implementation of all ...
FIDA | International Council on Archives supports archives in the developing world. ICA’s Fund for the International Development of Archives (FIDA) provides assistance to archive professionals and institutions working in especially challenging conditions, usually in developing countries. Its role is to help them to help themselves, by providing support to develop archivists in ...