Package Tracking - Courier Tracking | FedEx Canada › en-ca › trackingGet tracking alerts and delivery notifications via the mobile app, text or email to stay connected to your packages. Click here to view current conditions affecting pick up, shipping and delivery services. Self-Service Online Tracking Get the most up-to-date status of your shipments Track your FedEx shipments using one of the options below.
Tracking Your Shipment | FedEx South Africa › en-za › trackingFedEx Advanced Tracking is our most powerful tracking tool, giving you intelligent insights into all your shipments, whether you're shipping 20 or 20,000 packages. With FedEx Advanced Tracking, you get a customised, in-depth tracking experience that helps you build confidence, take control and accelerate your buisness. Key Benefits
Tracking Your Shipment or Packages | FedEx › en-us › trackingTrack International Shipments Run My Global Trade Data Reports Bring on the benefits Sign up for FedEx Delivery Manager and take more control of deliveries. Get tracking notifications, provide delivery instructions and requests, and more. Plus, you'll be eligible for a free ShopRunner ® membership and all the perks that come with it.