What’s in Part 1? Conversation with the examiner. The examiner asks questions and you may have to give information about your interests, studies, career, etc. What do I have to practise? …
Sep 25, 2013 · Part 1 of the exam (the interview) is a good place to start because the learners have to talk about everyday topics, such as their home town, what they do in their free time and work and study. Here is a list of about 50 questions (most of which have been used in FCE exams in the last 10 years). Feel free to share them with your learners:
11.2.2016 · First Certificate Speaking Questions. I just spent a few hours going through all my FCE materials and typing out all the questions I could find from part 1 of the speaking test. …
Overview of FCE Speaking Test Part 1 Part 1 lasts for about three minutes with two examiners interviewing a pair of candidates. In case of an odd number of examinees, the interview will occur in threes. An interlocutor asks the questions while the assessor grades the performance of each participant.
Do you prefer to study alone or with friends? Would you prefer to work for a big company or a small company? What do you enjoy doing with your friends? Tell us ...
FCE Speaking Part 1 (B2 First Exam) + Practice questions This is the second of four videos about the speaking test of the FCE exam (now called the B2 First exam). FCE speaking part 1 is a Q&A – a question and answer session with the examiner. To get a good mark, candidates need to avoid one word responses and extend their answers.
1.9.2019 · FCE Speaking part 1 (2 minutes) You are alone for this part. You speak directly to the examiner and answer his/her questions clearly and concisely. You don't speak to your partner …
4.2.2022 · B2 (FCE): What’s in Part 1? Conversation with the examiner. The examiner asks questions and you may have to give information about your interests, studies, career, etc. We …
FCE Speaking Exam: Part 1. All these questions are taken from previous FCE speaking exams. Choose a number, and tell your group your answer. 1 Which part of ...
Feb 04, 2022 · FCE Speaking: Part 1 - Topic 3 In this first part of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask you questions about topics such as family life, daily routines, or how you spend your free time. Would you prefer to work indoors or outdoors? (Why?) Do you prefer working on your own or with other people? (Why?)
24.8.2018 · This is the second of four videos about the speaking test of the FCE exam (now called the B2 First exam). FCE speaking part 1 is a Q&A - a question and answer session …
1. Don't Panic. It's only 15 minutes long, but for many students, the FCE Speaking Test is the most stressful part of Cambridge B2 First (which used to be called Cambridge English: First …
Travel and Holidays. Speaking | Part 1. Travel. Practice for the first part of the speaking paper by answering these questions all related to the topic of travel and holidays. Try and answer in …
Sample Questions · Do you, your friends or your family recycle household waste? · Is recycling rewarded in some way by the state in your country? · What are the ...
25.9.2013 · 50 FCE Speaking Questions for Part 1: The Interview If any of you are teaching FCE (First Certificate), you will need to give your learners lots of exam training practice. Part 1 of …
24.8.2018 · FCE speaking part 1 is a Q&A – a question and answer session with the examiner. To get a good mark, candidates need to avoid one word responses and extend their answers. In this video we show …
Part one of the FCE speaking exam is done one on one with the interlocutor and lasts about 3 minutes in total (you won't speak for the full 3 minutes, ...
25.7.2020 · When students start the FCE speaking test, they are often nervous and the Cambridge examiners know this. So, they start you off with some basic questions to ease you …