Set texts for Cambridge English exams › hc › en-gbThese exams are: B2 First for Schools - previously known as Cambridge English: First for Schools (FCE for Schools) C2 Proficiency - previously known as Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) The set text question is in Part 2 of the Writing paper for these exams and is one of four questions you can choose from during this part. You should not attempt the optional set text question in Part 2 unless you have the necessary vocabulary and understanding of the text to answer the task set. FCE: Books › FCE-Books › sAug 19, 2015 · FCE: Books 1-16 of over 1,000 results for "FCE" RESULTS FCE KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION MADE EASY by DIEGO MENDEZ | Aug 19, 2015 4.2 (5) Kindle $797 Available instantly Ages: 11 years and up FCE Writing Masterclass ® (Writing B2: FCE Cambridge) (FCE (First Certificate Writing) Book 1) by Marc Roche and Cambridge English FCE | Nov 8, 2018
The best First Certificate books - Breakout English › first-fce › best-firstThe best First Certificate books. B2, Blog, First (FCE) / By John Hayward. Passing a B2 level Cambridge exam is a big deal and only the best First Certificate books will get you there. For lower levels you may have been able to rely on materials you found online or your natural ability in English learnt at school, but for most people the Cambridge First (FCE) exam is not an exam that you can just walk into on exam day and pass.