10FastFingers.com - Typing Test, Competitions, Practice ...
10fastfingers.comTyping Test. If you want a quick way to test your typing speed, try out our 1-minute free Typing test (available in over 40 languages). You can quickly see how fast you can type and compare your result with your friends. One huge benefit: The more you use our typing game, the faster you will be able to type as the typing test uses the top 200 ...
TypeFast.io - Test your typing speed
typefast.iodetach. Muslim. 1:00. 0 WPM. Words per minute, CPM divided by 5. CPM: The amount of correct characters typed, divided by the test duration in minutes. Characters that were positioned correctly in words that were not completely correct, are still counted as correct.
Typing Test English | fastfingers.net
fastfingers.net › typingtest › englishImprove your typing speed with the 10fastfinger English Typing Test. The fast typing interface designed to improve user typing speed improves your typing speed with 10 fingers on the keyboard as well as having fun. This site was created and is being developed for you to make 10fastfinger. You can reach ten fast fingers by testing yourself at least five times a day.
fastfingers.net | Typing Test, Typing Games
fastfingers.netIn the Fast Fingers test, which allows you to test mostly with English words, you can try yourself in 9 different languages other than English. You can have the chance to try yourself in Turkish, Indonesian, Spanish, German, Vietnamese, French, Portuguese, Italian and Russian.