Fanatec Elite Racing Wheel - officially licensed for PS4 ... Media / Downloads Fanatec Affiliate Program (FAP) Information. Battery Regulations Cookie Settings Fanatec Consumer …
Driver & Firmware Instructions - Fanatec › media › pdf1.1 CHOOSING THE CORRECT FILE IMPORTANT: A Windows based PC is mandatory! The zip-file includes two installation files: The first number stands for which operating system the driver is meant: 32-bit or 64-bit. The last number refers to the version number of the driver.
Fanatec › downloadsFanatec is the leading brand for dedicated sim racing hardware, including force feedback steering wheels, pedals, and complete cockpits for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC-based racing simulators. * All prices incl. value added tax
Fanatec Elite Racing Wheel - officially licensed for PS4 ... Media / Downloads Fanatec Affiliate Program (FAP) Informationen. Batterieverordnung Cookie-Einstellungen Fanatec Verbrauchergarantie Über uns AGB Lieferung / …
Driver | Fanatec › eu-en › driverFanatec is the leading brand for dedicated sim racing hardware, including force feedback steering wheels, pedals, and complete cockpits for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC-based racing simulators. * All prices incl. value added tax