F1 Commentators: Meet the Sky Sports and Channel 4 teams ...
www.gpfans.com › en › f1-newsFeb 10, 2022 · Croft has led commentary of every practice, qualifying and race session since 2012 for F1. He previously commentated on F1 for BBC Radio 5 Live from 2006-2011. 'Crofty' may not be on the same level of Murray Walker in terms of iconic deliveries, but his longevity in the commentary box has meant that he is a much-beloved and integral part of the ...
Who are the F1 commentators?
support.f1.tv › s › articleWho are the F1 commentators? If you are using F1 Live, you can access commentary in English only. Our commentary team may vary but you can expect to hear from: Alex Brundle Sam Collins Rosanna Tennant Matt Gallagher Jordan King If you are using the international feed, you can access commentary in other languages.
F1 TV Commentary... : F1TV - reddit
www.reddit.com › comments › ms3wewThe commentary you hear is from sky (insert language here). So they are commentating the sky feed that may overlay different things over the official feed, like interviews, experts, self-made animations and such. If you want commentators that commentate exactly what you see on F1TV you can use the pit lane channel.