executar - Wiktionary
en.wiktionary.org › wiki › executarSep 04, 2022 · executar ( first-person singular present indicative executo, past participle executado ) to carry out synonyms . Synonyms: realizar, fazer, levar a efeito. to execute (kill as punishment) troponyms . Troponyms: crucificar, eletrocutar, enforcar, guilhotinar, impalar. ( computing) to run a software synonyms .
C-Executor - Fanuc
The C-Language Library for C-Language Executor is a software library that allows custom software to access the CNC functions and be executed by the C-Language Executor functionality. The C-Language Library for C-Language Executor is part of the CNC Application Development Kit. Benefits Creation of customized functions and programs using C-Language
How do I execute a .c file? - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 55330597Mar 25, 2019 · 1 Answer. Sorted by: 9. You cannot execute an file ".c" from shell. You must compile it first. For example: We have an file called "file.c". Open a terminal. Use gcc for compile the file and make an executable ( gcc file.c -o executable) Now you can open the executable file since shell (just go to the folder and execute ./executable.