6 Good and Bad Communication Styles in the Workplace …
Here is an example of an expressive way of dealing with a team member who is constantly late for meetings: ‘You have been late for the last five meetings. I worry that you may be missing out on important discussions and updates. Plus, it sets a bad example for your colleagues. I want you to be on time from now on’. Don’t Be a People-Pleaser
The Causes & Effects of Poor Communication in the Workplace
www.simpplr.com › blog › 2021Apr 19, 2021 · For example, an employer sets a deadline for turning in data on Friday for their employee, and the employee has no problem with getting the data in on Friday. On the surface, it may seem like an example of good communication. However, the employee might think they have until 5 p.m to deliver the data when they actually need it on Friday at 10 a.m.