Sähköinen tenttipalvelu | JYU Exam
exam.app.jyu.fiAug 30, 2022 · Sähköinen tenttipalvelu | JYU Exam Sähköinen tenttipalvelu EXAM on sähköisen tenttimisen järjestelmä, jossa opiskelija voi suorittaa itsenäisesti tenttejä, jotka opettaja on etukäteen laatinut. Tenttiminen tapahtuu erillisissä tenttitiloissa, joihin opiskelija varaa tenttiajan. Tenttitiloissa on tallentava kameravalvonta.
Electronic exam | JYU Exam
exam.app.jyu.fi › jyu-exam › enElectronic exam | JYU Exam Electronic exam EXAM is a software for electronic exams that the students can take independently in special exam studios. Teachers create exams in the EXAM system and the students choose the time to take the exams in the reservation calendar. The EXAM studios are monitored with recording video surveillance.
Online exams — University of Jyväskylä
www.jyu.fi › en › studyMay 18, 2020 · Log in to the online exam system using your JYU username and password. The username is personal and you are not allowed to forward it to any other person. An online exam must be completed in the reserved time. You can complete an online exam using a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone. It is recommended to use a computer.
eEXAM guide — Digital Services - Jyväskylän yliopisto
www.jyu.fi › digipalvelut › enMar 01, 2022 · EXAM room opening hours Agora AgC221 is open Mon-Fri at 8-20. Lähde T131 is open Mon-Fri at 8-20, Saturdays at 8-16 NB! Don't come to take your exam if you are ill. Cancel or reschedule your booking. Use face masks. Take care of hand hygiene and coughing etiquette. Maintain recommended distance to other exam takers.
Registration for exams - Korppi
korppi.jyu.fi › kotka › examThe registration deadline is not valid. Your registration is no longer valid because the exam status is Vanhentunut. Exam : YRIS2430 Innovative Marketing 5 op Entrepreneurship (ECON) (YRI), Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE), Marketing (ECON) (YMA) General course information Log in to register. Exam information
Registration for exams - Korppi
korppi.jyu.fi › kotka › examThe registration deadline is not valid. Your registration is no longer valid because the exam status is Vanhentunut. Exam : YJOS3110 Strategic Thinking 6 op Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE), Management and Leadership (ECON) (YJO) General course information Log in to register. Exam information