transitive verb. 1. : to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth : overstate. a friend exaggerates a man's virtues Joseph Addison. 2. : to enlarge or increase especially beyond the normal : overemphasize. intransitive verb. : to make an overstatement. exaggerative.
Exaggerated describes something that's been overstated, or described as more impressive than it really is. Your exaggerated details stretched the truth, but ...
Verkkoexaggerate. / ( ɪɡˈzædʒəˌreɪt) / verb. to regard or represent as larger or greater, more important or more successful, etc, than is true. (tr) to make greater, more noticeable, …
VerkkoBritannica Dictionary definition of EXAGGERATE. 1. : to think of or describe something as larger or greater than it really is. [+ object] The book exaggerates the difficulties he …
exaggerated / ( ɪɡˈzædʒəˌreɪtɪd) / adjective unduly or excessively magnified; enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness pathol abnormally enlarged an exaggerated spleen Derived forms of exaggerated exaggeratedly, adverb
VerkkoAdd to word list. to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is: [ T ] The media exaggerate the risks and benefits of research findings. [ I ] I …
exaggerate. verb (used with object), ex·ag·ger·at·ed, ex·ag·ger·at·ing. to magnify beyond the limits of truth; overstate; represent disproportionately: to exaggerate the difficulties of a situation. to increase or enlarge abnormally: Those shoes exaggerate the size of my feet.
to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is: The threat of attack has been greatly exaggerated. Don't exaggerate - it wasn ...
If you exaggerate, you indicate that something is, for example, worse or more important than it really is. He thinks I'm exaggerating. [VERB]. Don't exaggerate.
VerkkoThe meaning of EXAGGERATED is excessively or inappropriately heightened, inflated, or overstated. How to use exaggerated in a sentence. excessively or inappropriately …
Verkko1. : to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth : overstate. a friend exaggerates a man's virtues Joseph Addison. 2. : to enlarge or increase especially beyond the normal : …
EXAGGERATE meaning: 1 : to think of or describe something as larger or greater than it really is; 2 : to make (something) larger or greater than normal.
Verkkoseeming larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is: exaggerated reports of the problem. The slimming effect of wearing black has been greatly exaggerated. See. …
VerkkoAdd to word list. C1. the fact of making something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is: Sal estimates over 60 people were there but I think that's a slight …
Verkkouk / ɪɡˈzædʒ.ə.reɪt / us / ɪɡˈzædʒ.ə.reɪt / C1. to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is: The threat of attack has been greatly …
1. : excessively or inappropriately heightened, inflated, or overstated. exaggerated fears. a wildly exaggerated story. As students go from one disconnected course to the next, they tend to form a highly exaggerated idea of the differences between teachers and subjects. Gerald Graff.