Surcharge Rule - Evergreen Shipping › servlet › LoginPage2Effective : 20150101. Archived Document Retrieval Fee (U141) Move from EGLV-602-010-A12 1) For all requests made commencing six months after the vessel onboard date up to two year offer to the onboard date a fee of USD 50 will be assessed. 2) For all requests exceeding two years after the onboard date a fee of USD 75 per document will be assessed.
Global Intermodal Equipment Registry | GIER
www.gierregistry.comGIER provides an online tool for roadside enforcement personnel and users to query the GIER database to identify the responsible IEP or EP for chassis and/or containers that are registered in GIER. Query returns IEP (or Equipment Provider for containers), Equipment Owner, Contact, Equipment ID, License Plate & State as well as VIN and Chassis ...