The hope was not fulfilled, but a certain number of philosophic disciples gathered round Comte, and eventually formed themselves, under the guidance of the new ideas of the latter half of his life, into a kind of church, for whose use was drawn up the Positivist Calendar (1849), in which the names of those who had advanced civilization replaced the titles of the saints.
Abandoned since 495 - for Kasyapa was eventually slain during a battle fought in the plain beneath - it has, on the whole, well withstood the fury of tropical storms, and is now used again …
De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "it may be valuable" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises.
FTB Sky Adventures : feedthebeast. What does this loot bag do? FTB Sky Adventures. It contains either a patient bag 9999/10000 or a nether star 1/10000. Either keep opening or make a …
If you have been faithful to God and kind to everyone, you are sure to succeed. You may require some time to face the good times, but eventually you will. Understand god’s ways of gifting you …
Nov 12, 2018 · The real meaning of “eventually”. In the English language, “eventually” means “finally”, “sometime in the future”, “sooner or later.”. Examples of “eventually” in sentences: “I’m looking for a new job. It’s tough but I’m sure I’ll find one eventually.”. “Julie is late to our meeting, but she’ll get here ...
It may be valuable to u se several. [...] such sources of information gathering simultaneously. Puede ser útil recurrir d e forma. [...] simultánea a varias de esas fuentes de acopio de información.
it may be value it may prove valuable it may be crude it may give valuable it may be fatal it may be risky it may be untenable it may be indispensable exact ( 56 ) Representative Adam Schiff, Democrat of California, said that "it may be valuable to have court review prospectively". 1 The Guardian
Related terms for may be valuable- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with may be valuable. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. Synonyms ...
it may be value it may prove valuable it may be crude it may give valuable it may be fatal it may be risky it may be untenable it may be indispensable exact ( 56 ) Representative Adam Schiff, …
I have some side effects, which may eventually become intolerable. 1. The New Yorker. He was sentenced to eight years, which may eventually be reduced to six for good behavior. 2. The …
12.11.2018 · “Eventually” means something else! The real meaning of “eventually” In the English language, “eventually” means “finally”, “sometime in the future”, “sooner or later.” Examples of …