European Games
https://www.european-games.orgA world-class multi-sport event with a global footprint, celebrating Europe’s finest athletes in a crucial staging post on the road to the Olympic Games. Europe at the heart of world sport The …
Home - European Championships Munich 2022 › deDie European Championships Munich 2022 gehen als das größte Multisportevent in Deutschland seit den Olympischen Spielen 1972 in die Geschichtsbücher ein und vereinten die bestehenden Europameisterschaften von neun spannenden und spektakulären Sportarten unter einem Dach. In Kombination mit dem kostenfreien Festival The Roofs erwies sich München 2022 als Veranstaltung für alle, die man erlebt und gesehen haben muss.
Home - European Championships Munich 2022
munich2022.comThe European Championships Munich 2022 went down in the history books as the biggest multi-sport event in Germany since the 1972 Olympic Games, uniting the existing European championships of nine exciting and spectacular sports under one roof. Coupled with the free festival The Roofs, Munich 2022 proved to be a must-see and must-experience event. The event was held in the Bavarian capital from 11-21 August.
European Games
www.european-games.orgA world-class multi-sport event with a global footprint, celebrating Europe’s finest athletes in a crucial staging post on the road to the Olympic Games. Europe at the heart of world sport The European Games are a necessary and innovative means of maintaining Europe’s leading position in the world of sport.