EU Whistleblower Directive | NAVEX › eu-whistleblower-directiveThe major components of the EU Directive, which applies to all companies with 50 or more employees, revolve around the explicit protection of all whistleblowers who report a violation of EU law. One of the primary requirements of the directive is the implementation of internal reporting channels and processes, which the legislation encourages whistleblowers to use and offers access to a range of legal, financial and psychological support when doing so.
The Ultimate Guide to Complying with the EU Whistleblowing ... › blog › the-ultimate-guide-toDec 20, 2022 · Find out what the Directive requires, who must comply, and how to comply with this detailed guide. 15 Min Read. Before European Parliament and the European Council adopted the EU Whistleblower Directive, whistleblower protection legislation in the EU – and beyond – was fragmented and inconsistent. The Directive marks an enormous step forward for whistleblower protection standards, and its impact will be felt globally.
Protection for whistleblowers - › aid-development-cooperationHowever, at European and national level the protection of whistleblowers is uneven and fragmented. As a consequence whistleblowers are often discouraged from reporting their concerns for fear of retaliation. For these reasons, on 23 April 2018, the European Commission presented a package of initiatives including a Proposal for Directive on the protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law and a Communication, establishing a comprehensive legal framework for whistleblower ...
EU Whistleblowing Directive: What Companies Need to Know › en › InsightsThe whistleblower will be entitled to protection under the Whistleblowing Directive when reporting on breaches of EU law. The directive does not extend to whistleblowers of breaches of non-EU laws. What does it require? A whistleblower (or a ‘reporting person’) is broadly defined as a natural person who reports or publicly discloses information on breaches acquired in the context of his or her work-related activities.