Digest of the case-law - Court of Justice of the European Union
curia.europa.eu › jcms › jcmsThe Répertoire de jurisprudence (Digest of case-law) is a systematic collection of the summaries of judgments and orders of the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal delivered or made since they commenced their activities. The classification scheme, initially subdivided into eight parts, for the period 1954 to 2009, has been reworked following the changes brought about by the Treaty of Lisbon into a plan in nine parts, for the case-law as from 2010.
Case-law - EUR-Lex - Europa
eur-lex.europa.eu › collection › eu-lawCase-law. In this section, you can find case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, including: Judgments and orders on: cases brought by EU institutions, EU Member States, corporate bodies or individuals against an act or failure to act of an EU institution, body, office or agency.
Case-law - EUR-Lex - Europa
eur-lex.europa.eu › collection › eu-lawCase-law. In this section, you can find case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, including: Judgments and orders on: cases brought by EU institutions, EU Member States, corporate bodies or individuals against an act or failure to act of an EU institution, body, office or agency.
EU law - EUR-Lex - Europa
eur-lex.europa.eu › homepageJul 15, 2022 · Summaries of EU legislation; Browse by EU institutions. European Parliament; European Council; Council of the European Union; European Commission; Court of Justice of the European Union; European Central Bank; European Court of Auditors; European Economic and Social Committee; European Committee of the Regions; Browse by EuroVoc