Etsy fraud buyers : Etsy - reddit › comments › qb26ilEtsy fraud buyers. Advice Needed. nsfw. Hi, I had a buyer opened a case with a $449 item 2 months ago. The case finally closed by Etsy admin 1 and half month later. Etsy admin asked the customer return the item and get refund. Customer do not responded the case have not return the $449 value item. The case is reopen today by customer.
Etsy Buyer - Etsy › market › etsy_buyer6 CARDS - BUYERS CHOICE - 6 Cards for 20 Dollars - Pick Any 6 Cards from the Seas and Peas Etsy Shop - Item# BC06. SEASandPEAS. (11,790) $20.00. additional 20% off!! coupon code, Do Not Buy! Read description for more info. SoulElementsJewelry.
Buyers - Etsy! Our global marketplace is a vibrant community of real people connecting over special goods. With powerful tools and services, along with expert support and education, we help …
Fake buyer - Welcome to the Etsy Community › Fake-buyer › td-pFake buyer - Welcome to the Etsy Community Welcome to the Etsy Community Etsy Forums Providing Great Customer Service Fake buyer BlaqkRoseSyndicate Inspiration Seeker Fake buyer by BlaqkRoseSyndicate Inspiration Seeker 2 hours ago So I got a buyer form a bag I made . He said he had no bank account so we had to meet up .