Home | ethereum.org
ethereum.org1 day ago · Ethereum is the community-run technology powering the cryptocurrency ether (ETH) and thousands of decentralized applications. Explore Ethereum Get started ethereum.org is your portal into the world of Ethereum. The tech is new and ever-evolving – it helps to have a guide. Here's what we recommend you do if you want to dive in. Pick a wallet
https://ethereum.org › ...Ethereum is a technology that's home to digital money, global payments, and applications. The community has built a booming digital economy, bold new ways for ...
Home | ethereum.org
https://ethereum.orgEthereum is a technology that's home to digital money, global payments, and applications. The community has built a booming digital economy, bold new ways for creators to earn online, and so …
Ethereum – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/EthereumEthereum on lohkoketjuteknologiaa hyödyntävä avoimen lähdekoodin tietojenkäsittely-ympäristö. Ethereumista käytetään nimityksiä älysopimusalusta, ekosysteemi tai käyttöjärjestelmä hajautetuille sovelluksille. Ethereum on myös kryptovaluutta. Se ei ole kuitenkaan suunniteltu puhtaaseen valuutan roolin kuten esimerkiksi Bitcoin. Ethereum on ennen kaikkea käyttöjärjestelmä, jonk…
What is Ethereum? | ethereum.org
ethereum.org › en › what-is-ethereumEthereum is a technology for building apps and organizations, holding assets, transacting and communicating without being controlled by a central authority. There is no need to hand over all your personal details to use Ethereum - you keep control of your own data and what is being shared. Ethereum has its own cryptocurrency, Ether, which is used to pay for certain activities on the Ethereum network.