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etelä korea hdi

Inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi i Etelä-Korea - › Tilastot › hdi
HDI Globalis / Tilastot / Inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi i Etelä-Korea Inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi (human development index) kuvaa valtion sijoittumista kolmella mittarilla mitattuna: odotettu elinikä, koulutus sekä elintaso (BKT/henkilö). Lähde: Human Development Report (UNDP) Loading chart. Please wait. Pylväskaavio Viivakaavio Aluekaavio
Korean tasavalta – Wikipedia
Verkko대한민국, Daehan minguk), epävirallisesti Etelä-Korea (kor. 한국 , Hanguk ) on Korean …
List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia › wiki › List_of_countries_by_Human
The HDI was first published in 1990 with the goal of being a more comprehensive measure of human development than purely economic measures such as gross domestic product. The index incorporates three dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, knowledge, and decent living standards.
Etelä-Koreassa maailman alhaisin syntyvyys 0,84…
Etelä-Koreassa maailman alhaisin syntyvyys 0,84. Etelä-Koreassa on maailman alhaisin hedelmällisyysluku. Tilanne on ollut huolestuttava koko 2000-luvun, eikä koronapandemia paranna …
HDI - Globalis
Etelä-Korea: 0.925: Yhdysvallat: 0.921: Israel: 0.919: Malta: 0.918: …
Human Development Index | Human Development Reports › data-center › human-development-index
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and having a decent standard of living. The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of the three dimensions.
UNDP launches 2021/22 Human Development Report ……
However, the latest HDI for Korea in 2021 recovered to 0.925, positioning the country at 19 out of 191 countries and territories, up three steps compared to the year before, and highlighting …
Human Development Index (HDI) by Country 2023
VerkkoThe HDI was first launched in 1990 and has been released annually ever since, with …
Luettelo valtioista inhimillisen kehityksen indeksin mukaan › wiki › Luettelo_valtioista_in...
Mikäli inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi (HDI) ja sen epätasa-arvon huomioima vertailuluku IHDI ovat lähellä toisiaan, maa on varsin ... Etelä-Korea, 0,901.
Human Development Index (HDI) by Country 2023 › country-rankings › hdi
The Human Development Index, or HDI, is a metric compiled by the United Nations Development Programme and used to quantify a country's "average achievement in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living." The HDI was first launched in 1990 and has been released annually ever ...
South Korea Human development - data, chart › ...
The Human Development Index for South Korea published by the United Nations is a composite measure including life expectancy, educational attainment, and income ...
Luettelo valtioista inhimillisen kehityksen indeksin mukaan
Tämä on luettelo valtioista inhimillisen kehityksen indeksin mukaan. Indeksi on hyvin korkea, jos se on yli 0,800, korkea, jos arvo on 0,700–0,800, keskitasoa, jos se on 0,550–0,699 ja matala, jos se on korkeintaan 0,549. Julkaistut inhimillisen kehityksen (HDI) arvot pohjautuvat tyypillisesti edellisvuonna kerättyihin tietoihin.
South Korea - Human Development Index - HDI 2021 › hdi
Date, HDI, HDI Ranking. 2016, 0.910, 22º. 2015, 0.907, 22º. 2014, 0.904, 22º. 2013, 0.901, 22º. 2012, 0.898, 22º. 2011, 0.895, 22º. 2010, 0.889, 22º.
Human Development Index, HDI, 1980-2011 - ResearchGate › figure
Historically, the administrative system of the South Korean government was influenced by the yangban ruling class during the Joseon dynasty . The yangban was an ...
UNDP launches 2021/22 Human Development Report in ... › press-releases
However, the latest HDI for Korea in 2021 recovered to 0.925, positioning the country at 19 out of 191 countries and territories, up three steps ...
Inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi i Etelä-Korea - Globalis › Tilastot › hdi
Inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi (human development index) kuvaa valtion sijoittumista kolmella mittarilla mitattuna: odotettu elinikä, koulutus sekä ...
Korean tasavalta – Wikipedia › wiki › Korean_tasavalta
대한민국, Daehan minguk), epävirallisesti Etelä-Korea (kor. 한국, Hanguk) on Korean niemimaan eteläosassa sijaitseva valtio. Sillä on yhteinen maaraja Korean demokraattisen kansantasavallan eli Pohjois-Korean kanssa sekä merialueraja lännessä Kiinan ja idässä Japanin kanssa.
List of regions of South Korea by Human Development Index › wiki › List_of_regions_of_South
List of regions of South Korea by Human Development Index 1 language Tools Map of the South Korean regions by HDI in 2018. Legend: > 0.920 0.900 – 0.920 0.890 – 0.900 0.880 – 0.890 < 0.880 This is a list of regions of South Korea by Human Development Index as of 2023, with data for the year 2021. [1] See also [ edit]