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esports wikipedia

Esport - › wiki › Esport
ESports , kirjoitetaan myös eSportsiin tai eSportsiin (varten Electronic Sports , speltti esports ) ja joskus johtaa eSports viittaa käytäntö Internetissä ...
Elektroninen urheilu – Wikipedia
Elektroninen urheilu eli e-urheilu on videopelien pelaamista kilpailullisesti. Tavallisimmat kilpapelit ovat tietokoneella tai konsolilla toimivia viihdepelejä, jotka jakautuvat useampaan alalajiin eli genreen. Reaaliaikaiset strategiapelit, ensimmäisen persoonan ammuntapelit, taisteluareenamoninpelit ja suuret online-moninpelit ovat tyypillisimmät elektronisen urheilun saralla pelattavat pelityypit.
Creative and Collaborative Learning through Immersion: ... › books
... nascar- iracing- veloce- esports- max- verstappen- lando- norris. ... https://, ...
List of esports leagues and tournaments - Wikipedia › wiki › List_of_esports_leagues
HSEL holds seasonal tournaments for high school students. Founded in 2012, they are the first and largest high school league. They offer competition in games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Minecraft, Overwatch, Rainbow 6: Siege, and Rocket League, as well as many more. United States and Canada.
The esports wiki, the best resource for live updated results, tournament overview, team and player profiles, game information, and more...
ENCE eSports – Wikipedia
ENCE eSports on suomalainen e-urheiluorganisaatio, joka aloitti toimintansa huhtikuussa 2013. ENCE:llä on joukkueet Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Starcraft II, PlayerUnknown’s …
Esports - Wikipedia › wiki › ESports
Esports - Wikipedia Esports (Redirected from ESports) Players competing in a League of Legends tournament Esports, short for electronic sports, is a form of competition using video games. [1] Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams.
NRG Esports - Wikipedia › wiki › NRG_Esports
NRG Esports - Wikipedia NRG Esports NRG Esports is an American esports organization based in Los Angeles, California. It has rosters in Apex Legends, Clash Royale, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Fortnite, Gears of War, Hearthstone, Overwatch, Rocket League, Valorant, speedrunning and a number of streamers on the internet platform Twitch . Contents 1 History
E-Sport – Wikipedia
E-Sport [ ˈʔiːʃpɔʁt, ˈʔiːspɔʁt] („elektronischer Sport“, auch ESport, eSport, e-Sport, Esports, E-Sports, eSports und e-Sports) ist der sportliche Wettkampf mit Computerspielen. In der Regel wird der …
List of esports games - Wikipedia › wiki › List_of_esports_games
Esports are video games which are played in professional competitions, usually fall into a few major genres. The majority of esports titles are fighting games, first-person shooters (FPS), real-time strategy (RTS), or multiplayer online battle arena games (MOBA), with the MOBA genre being the most popular in terms of participation and viewership.
G2 Esports - Wikipedia
G2 Esports (G2) is a European esports organization headquartered in Berlin, Germany, with players competing in League of Legends, Valorant, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, …
Esports Wiki → Guides, tournaments, profiles & more! › wiki
Our esports wiki is the perfect place if you want to know anything about the world of competitive gaming and games like CSGO, LoL, Valorant, Fortnite, CoD.
Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki - Fandom › wiki › Leagu...
Fandom's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Pages that were modified between April ...
British Esports - Wikipedia
The British Esports Federation (also known as British Esports) is the national body for esports (or competitive video gaming) in the United Kingdom. It was established in March 2016 to help …
Esport – Wikipedia
Kilpailullista tietokone- ja videopelaamisesta (eSports) käsittelee artikkeli elektroninen urheilu. Espoon Sport [1] (lyhenne Esport) on kahden kuntokeskuksen ketju pääkaupunkiseudulla. …
Esports - Wikipedia
Esports, short for electronic sports, is a form of competition using video games. Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams. Although organized competitions have long been a part of video game … Näytä lisää
List of esports leagues and tournaments - Wikipedia
87 riviä · IMBA esports is an upcoming Australian esports League, designed to foster talent and …
Esports - Wikipedia › wiki › Esports
Esports, short for electronic sports, is a form of competition using video games. ... Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game ...
eSports - Wiki - Golden › wiki › eSports-6MZBV
eSports is a form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, particularly video games. ... eSports describes the world of competitive, organized ...
Esport Oilers – Wikipedia
Esport Oilers on vuonna 1990 perustettu espoolainen salibandyn erikoisseura. Seura tunnettiin nimellä Espoon Oilers vuoteen 2013 asti, jolloin se muutti nimensä Esport Oilersiksi tehtyään …
Electronic sports - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ... › wiki › Electronic_sports
Electronic sports - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Electronic sports Electronic sports Electronic sports (Also called esports) is term for video games that are played competitively. Popular electronic sports games are Counter-Strike, League of Legends, Warcraft, Starcraft, Dota 2, Quake, Fortnite and Valorant.
Team Liquid welcomes you to the esports wiki. Made by the esports community for the esports community. The best resource for live updated results, tournament overview, team & player …