ESL For Basic Beginners › live › esl-for-basic-beginnersThe focus of my study was English Foreign Language (EFL) learners. I am also a Certified Business Education Teacher with vast experience teaching very young children and adults. I have taught ESL classes and developed strategies and techniques for Speaking Excellent English without the stress of learning the rules of grammar.
ESL Lessons - Beginner - Free ESL handouts - › esl-lesson-beginnerJun 01, 2021 · ESL Lessons – Beginner. Feel free to use our collection of ESL lessons for beginners. Each lesson can be used to strengthen the foundation of beginner learners. Our ESL resources are free for everyone. We have collected the best ESL speaking practice handouts and contents for a variety of topics. The handouts and activities are online-friendly and flexible to meet all of your needs.
101 ESL Conversation Topics to Break the Silence › esl-conversation-topicsOct 02, 2022 · Arguably, there’s nothing stranger than silence in a conversation class! Before you start the school year, dedicate some time to preparing a list of free talking topics (see below). First, print the conversation topics below. Second, cut each topic and put them in a hat. Finally, have them attached to your hip whenever you’re in need.