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Pablo Escobar | Biography, Death, & Facts | Britannica › biography › Pablo-Escobar
Jan 01, 2022 · Pablo Escobar, Colombian criminal who, as head of the Medellin cartel, was arguably the world’s most powerful drug trafficker in the 1980s and early ’90s. A larger-than-life figure, Escobar inspired numerous books, movies, and TV projects in the decades after his death.
Escobar Municipio
El Municipio de Escobar promueve el compostaje en todas sus formas y escalas, buscando generar conciencia y popularizar prácticas y conocimientos que solucionen el enorme problema de la basura y la pérdida de fertilidad de los suelos; vinculando a la humanidad con la naturaleza.
Pablo Escobar - Wife, Son & Death - Biography
2.4.2014 · Pablo Escobar was a Colombian drug lord whose ruthless ambition, until his death, implicated his wife, daughter and son in the notorious Medellin Cartel.
Eduardo Escobar Stats, Fantasy & News | New York Mets › player › eduardo-escobar-500871
Eduardo Escobar Stats, Fantasy & News. Married to Eucaris…has 4 sons, Eduardo Jr., Raul, Jose Emmanuel and Diego, and 1 daughter, Isadora...From La Pica, Maracay, Venezuela…is childhood friends with Miguel Cabrera...Was a pitcher as a teenager until he tried out for the White Sox as a shortstop in Caracas in Dec. 2006...His mom wanted him to study instead of playing baseball, so she would ...
Pablo Escobar - Wikipedia
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria was a Colombian drug lord and narcoterrorist who was the founder and sole leader of the Medellín Cartel. Dubbed "the King of Cocaine," Escobar is the wealthiest criminal in history, having amassed an estimated net worth of US$30 billion by the time of his death—equivalent to $64 billion as of 2021—while his drug cartel monopolized the cocaine trade into the U…
Mies, joka palkattiin tappamaan Pablo Escobar - Ilta-Sanomat › viihde › art-2000008141523
Uutuusdokumentti Killing Escobar näyttää alkuperäismateriaalien ja dramatisointien avulla, mitä Kolumbian viidakoissa tapahtui vuonna 1989 ...
Pablo Escobar | Yle Uutiset › uutiset
Ylen uutiset aiheesta ”Pablo Escobar” nopeasti ja luotettavasti. ... Huumeparoni Pablo Escobarin 8-kerroksinen asuintalo tuhottiin Kolumbiassa.
Pablo Escobar - Wikipedia › wiki › Pablo_Escobar
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria was born on 1 December 1949, in Rionegro, in the Antioquia Department of Colombia.He was the third of seven children of the farmer Abel de Jesús Dari Escobar Echeverri (1910–2001), with his wife Hermilda de Los Dolores Gaviria Berrío (d. 2006), an elementary school teacher.
Pablo Escobar: Pahuuden paroni | Netflix › title
Mukaansatempaavassa sarjassa seurataan pahamaineisen Pablo Escobarin vaiheita mitättömästä varkaasta huumekauppaimperiumin valtiaaksi.
Pablo Escobar - Wife, Son & Death - Biography › crime-figure › pablo-escobar
Apr 02, 2014 · In 1976, Escobar married 15-year-old Maria Victoria Henao. The couple had two children together: a son, Juan Pablo, and a daughter, Manuela. Today Escobar’s son is a motivational speaker who ...
Escobar Inc – Pablo Escobar's holding company
Escobar Inc is the official holding company for Pablo Escobar, founded in 1984 by his brother Roberto Escobar in Medellín, Colombia. Currently responsible for managing the assets of the Escobar family, including but not limited to the intellectual property rights and licensing of same.
Pablo Escobar – Wikipedia
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (1. joulukuuta 1949 Rionegro, Kolumbia – 2. joulukuuta 1993 Medellín, Kolumbia) oli kolumbialainen huumeparoni, joka nousi yhdeksi maailman rikkaimmista miehistä tuottamalla ja salakuljettamalla kokaiinia Yhdysvaltoihin. Escobar aloitti rikollisen uransa
Gonzalo Escobar - Wikipedia › wiki › Gonzalo_Escobar
Gonzalo Escobar ( American Spanish: [ɡonˈsalo eskoˈβaɾ]; born 20 January 1989, in Manta) is an Ecuadorian tennis player. His career-high doubles ranking is World No. 38, achieved on 15 November 2021. He has won two doubles titles with Uruguayan partner Ariel Behar. Escobar has a career high ATP singles ranking of No. 281 achieved on 15 ...
Escobar by Escobar | Elokuvat | C More › elokuva › escobar-by-escobar
Pablo Escobarin loppu koitti 2.12.1993. Samana päivänä alkoi Juan Pablo Escobarin, historian mahtavimman huumekuninkaan ainoan pojan, oma helvetti.
Pablo Escobar hukutti Kolumbian vereen | › rikokset › rikolliset
Pablo Escobar rakensi kokaiini-imperiuminsa muutamassa vuodessa. Hän räjäytti pommeja ja murhautti ne, jotka asettuivat häntä vastaan.
Pablo Escobar - Wikipedia › wiki › Pablo_Escobar
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (1. joulukuuta 1949 Rionegro, Kolumbia – 2. joulukuuta 1993 Medellín, Kolumbia) oli kolumbialainen huumeparoni, ...