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episode writer portal create story

Episode Writer Portal - ADD Resources › episo...
The Episode Writer Portal is a place where you can create, and manage, and publish your own stories for our popular mobile app, Episode - Choose Your Story.
In Episode, your choices decide the path of your story. There have been 10+ billion episodes viewed on Episode so far. We’ve also opened up our storytelling platform and have the world’s largest community of interactive stories and storytellers, with 150,000+ stories and 25+ million registered creator accounts.
How To Make Your Own Story On Episode
To create your own story episode is possible in any genre- thrill, romance, suspense, comedy and so on. The viewership base is so wide that so far over 7 billion episodes have been viewed. Hence, create your own story episode and share it across millions of viewers.
Writer's Portal Guides – Episode › hc › en-us
Writer's Portal Guides. Are you new to writing on Episode? Check out our official guides! Writer's Portal Guide 1: What To Expect. Writer's Portal Guide 2: Starting Your Story in Portal. Writer's Portal Guide 3: Scripting Rules & Overview. Writer's Portal Guide 4: Stage Direction. Writer's Portal Guide 5: Placing & Animating Overlays.
I love playing Episode and want to write my own story! How do ... › hc › en-us
We're so excited for you to create your own story! Our set of tools in the Writer Portal ( has a library of hundreds of backgrounds, outfits, and characters to help you get started. To get started on your own stories, check our our guides here!
Episode - Choose Your Story - Apps on Google Play › apps › details
Episode lets you LIVE your stories with love, romance, adventure, and drama. Wouldn't it be amazing if YOU were a character in your favorite story?
Episode Interactive
Create. You could create the next great Episode story. Make your story on the Episode website and share it with millions of viewers on Episode.
Writer's Portal Guide 2: Starting Your Story in Portal – Episode › hc › en-us
2 Create A New Story. The first step in writing a story is to create your story. Go to “My Stories” if you’re not already there. Tap the link “New Story.” Enter a title for your story. This is what readers will see on the app. Tap “Create.” Characters 3 Create Characters. Once you’ve created your story, the first step is to create characters.
Episode Login
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how to create story art on episode? – › how-to-c...
Tools in the Writer Portal ( are easy to use and accessible to all. To get started, Episode Interactive's Write ( ...
I love playing Episode and want to write my own story! How do ... › ...
We're so excited for you to create your own story! Our set of tools in the Writer Portal ( has a...
HOW TO: Get To The Writers Portal - Episode Interactive
25.2.2019 · SIMPLE, AND VERY EASY! STEP 1 Go to google, type in, STEP 2 Once you click the link, it will take you to their homepage. STEP 3 Scroll all the way down then you will see two tabs that says “Google” and “Facebook” STEP 4 You can log on to either “Google” or “Facebook”, your choice/decision. STEP 5 You have reached to the writers portal to start …
How to Write a Story on Episode Choose Your Story 2019 ...
16.3.2019 · Hey guys!! Today I will be showing you guys how to write an Episode story for the Choose your Story app! This version is on a computer/laptop and it is using...
How to Write a Story on Episode: Choose Your Story App on ... › Write-a-S...
If you want to create and publish a series of many episodes, you'll need to use the Episode Writer's Portal on a computer.
The Episode app is a mobile storytelling network and platform. Episode features interactive Hollywood-caliber stories built from the ground up for mobile, not the passive entertainment of TV and movies. In Episode, your choices decide the path of your story. There have been 10+ billion episodes viewed on Episode so far.
Writer's Portal Guide 2: Starting Your Story in ... - Episode
8.5.2020 · 2 Create A New Story. The first step in writing a story is to create your story. Go to “My Stories” if you’re not already there. Tap the link “New Story.” Enter a title for your story. This is what readers will see on the app. Tap “Create.” Characters 3 Create Characters. Once you’ve created your story, the first step is to ...
What is the Episode Writer Portal? – Episode › hc › en-us
The Writer Portal ( is our tool for you to write and direct your very own Episode story! Using our library of hundreds of backgrounds, outfits, and characters along with our directing tools, you can bring your ideas to life. To get started on your own stories, check our our guides here:
Episode Interactive Writers Portal - PortalAudit › episode-inter...
We're so excited for you to create your own story! Our set of tools in the Writer Portal ( has a…
Writer's Portal Guide 22: Sound Effects & Music – Episode
8.5.2020 · You can play short sound effects, musical clips and ambient or musical loops in your story. There are 4 important commands to know for this. To play a sound or music effect once, without looping, use the sound command with the sound’s identifier from the sidebar on your script page. Sound/Music Once Syntax: