Episode - Choose Your Story on the App Store
apps.apple.com › us › appPLEASE NOTE: Episode lets you purchase items within the game for real money. Please disable in-app purchases on your device if you do not want this feature to be accessible. EPISODE VIP SUBSCRIPTIONS: You can subscribe for VIP access to Episode content The subscriptions are $14.99 monthly*
www.episodeinteractive.comThe Episode app is a mobile storytelling network and platform. Episode features interactive Hollywood-caliber stories built from the ground up for mobile, not the passive entertainment of TV and movies. In Episode, your choices decide the path of your story. There have been 10+ billion episodes viewed on Episode so far.
Episode Choose Your Story Game Play Online Free
episodechoose-yourstory.com1 2 Episode Choose Your Story is a graphic novel-style game that invites you to become some kind of a coauthor for fascinating stories of different sorts and genres. Moving through the plot as the main character, you will be able to make decisions that will change the course of the story and lead to different alternative outcomes.