www.environmentandecology.comENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY, an interdisciplinary international science journal, the research editions of which are published in March, June, September and December. The journal was started in March 1982. The journal is enlisted in NAAS, Web of Science.
https://www.environmentandecology.comVerkkoENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY, an interdisciplinary international science journal, the research editions of which are published in March, June, September and December. The journal was started in March 1982. The journal is enlisted in NAAS, …
Environment | biology | Britannica
www.britannica.com › science › environmentFeb 18, 2023 · The major components of the physical environment are discussed in the articles atmosphere, climate, continental landform, hydrosphere, and ocean. The relationship between the principal systems and components of the environment, and the major ecosystems of the Earth are treated in the article biosphere.