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english text for intermediate

Reading comprehension exercises - intermediate level esl › reading › co...
Reading comprehension exercises: intermediate and advanced level esl. Free interactive reading exercises online to learn English.
Reading - Intermediate | esl-lounge Student › student
Reading Comprehension - "Learning English" Read this short text about learning English, then answer the multiple-choice questions. Exercise Number: 3R1.
Texts in English for the Intermediate Level | ABA English › texts › intermediate-level
There are many benefits that you can enjoy by developing your English using short texts in English for intermediate students: You’ll perfect your reading and writing skills for levels B1 and B2 of the CEFR. You can prepare for an official certificate, like the IELTS, the Aptis, or one of the Cambridge certificates (B1 Preliminary or B2 First).
Intermediate English reading resources - B1 and B2 levels › inter
Free Intermediate English reading texts for EFL and ESL | B1 and B2 texts with vocabulary guides and exercises for classroom and private study.
Intermediate Reading Comprehension Exercises - Testing ... › comprehension › intermediate
Level: Intermediate (22) Ada Lovelace: The First Computer Programmer. Technology & science | Multiple Choice & True/False. Airbus crisis over. Business English | Multiple Choice & True/False. Angkor Wat. Transport & Travel | Multiple Choice & True/False. Biofuels and the Environment.
B1 English level (intermediate) | LearnEnglish › b1-intermediate
Understanding English levels. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is a way of describing language ability and is often used to help language learners choose learning materials and courses at the right level. The CEFR has six levels, from A1 to C2. For each level, the CEFR describes what a learner can do when speaking, reading, listening and writing in English.
B1 reading - British Council Learn English › ...
Are you a learner at B1 English level (intermediate)? This section offers reading practice to help you understand texts with everyday or job-related ...
B1 reading | LearnEnglish › skills › reading
This section offers reading practice to help you understand texts with everyday or job-related language. Texts include articles, travel guides, emails, adverts and reviews. Each lesson has a preparation task, a reading text and two tasks to check your understanding and to practise a variety of reading skills. Make a start today.
Reading Comprehension Resources for EFL and ESL Learners › re...
English reading materials for EFL and ESL students. Develop your reading skills. The texts cover a variety of topics, fulfilling every students needs.
Texts in English for the Intermediate Level | ABA English
There are many benefits that you can enjoy by developing your English using short texts in English for intermediate students: You’ll perfect your reading and writing skills for levels B1 and B2 of …
Intermediate English reading resources - B1 and B2 levels › inter
Reading texts for intermediate English - CEF levels B1 and B2. A collection of reading resources mostly about life and issues in Britain and the United States, in intermediate level English - with word guides, exercises and classroom activities.
English for Intermediate Learners - Learning English Online
23.11.2018 · In the vocabulary section you can find lists of words and expressions by theme for intermediate learners. Emotions and feelings. Travel and tourism. Transportation. Finance …
Intermediate English reading resources - B1 and B2 levels …
Reading texts for intermediate English - CEF levels B1 and B2. A collection of reading resources mostly about life and issues in Britain and the United States, in intermediate level English - with …
Unit 1 Definition text. Unit 2 Reading Comprehension 1. Unit 3 Reading Comprehension 2. Unit 4 Exemplification. Unit 5 Classification.
Texts in English for the Intermediate Level › interme...
Start reading a book. It may not be the right time to read Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet, but you can read intermediate-level texts such as The Little Prince or ...
English for Intermediate Learners (II ) - Rong Chang › ...
English for Intermediate Learners (II) · 8Food Fight Erupted in Prison · 9Wanted To Know How His Pig's Doing · 10Goats Being Hired · 11A Missing Cat · 12Book Him · 13 ...
Intermediate English Exercises & Tests | › intermediate
Intermediate reading test 1; Animals - The House of the Rising Sun; Adele - Someone Like You; Use of english: Tenses; Use of English: find the correct verb form; Use of english: Open Cloze Test; Use of english: Kangaroo injures Australian politician; Use of English: Nomophobia; Use of English: Black Friday; Use of English: Facebook; Use of English: Hijack
Reading For Pleasure - Intermediate Level Graded Readers › content
Graded reading texts for intermediate students of English as a foreign language. Improve your English reading skills with these free short stories and ...
B1 English level (intermediate) | LearnEnglish - British Council
Skills at B1 English level (intermediate) What can a B1-level learner of English do? They can understand the main points of clear texts on familiar topics in standard language. They can …