Free English Level Tests | Downloadable PDF Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced Level tests (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 level) online and download tests as a PDF files with answer key. …
Online English level test | LearnEnglish
This test is designed to assess your understanding of English grammar, vocabulary and phrasing. Each question is in the format of multiple choice and you will have a choice of three possible answers. You will be required to read each question carefully and select the answer that you think is correct.
Test English - Prepare for your English exam › level-testLevel Test You can take this test to know what is your approximate level of grammar in English. Alternatively, you can also take a few of our Use of English tests. If your grade for a Use of English test is 65% or higher, it means that your approximate grammar level in English is the same as that test.