Rachel C. Thomas
www.rachelcthomas.comIn 2015, Rachel led a team of survivors in writing Ending The Game, an intervention curriculum that help victims of sex trafficking understand psychological coerion and gain valuable tools to embrace their journey to recovery. The curriculum is now widely celebrated and being used in over 170 agencies across 33 states and 3 countries. Learn more
Contact Us | Ending The Game
endingthegame.com › contactRachel Thomas, M. Ed is the director of Sowers Education Group, lead author of Ending The Game Curriculum, and a personal survivor of domestic sex trafficking. She is a graduate of the UCLA School of Education and has over 12 years’ experience teaching, training, mentoring and curriculum writing.
Ending the Game Feat. Rachel Thomas - Fierce Freedom
fiercefreedom.org › 2020/11/10 › ending-the-gameNov 10, 2020 · Rachel shares some highlights from the The President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF) as well as her how her unique story of trafficking and exploitation ultimately led her to creation of Ending the Game, a curriculum that works to reduce recidivism in trafficked victims by breaking bonds of attachment to traffickers and “The Game” lifestyle.
Ending The Game | #1 Human Trafficking Course
endingthegame.comEnding The Game curriculum was utilized for our Free to Be Me (formerly known as the 180 Diversion Program). The curriculum was extremely well done and was well received by the participants. The detailed information provided by survivor input for the curriculum truly helped the participants understand how they got into the life.
Rachel C. Thomas
https://www.rachelcthomas.comVerkkoIn 2015, Rachel led a team of survivors in writing Ending The Game, an intervention curriculum that help victims of sex trafficking understand psychological coerion and gain …
196 - Rachel Thomas: Ending the Game
https://endinghumantrafficking.org/196Rachel is a personal survivor of human trafficking and has extensive experience teaching, training, curriculum writing, public speaking, and mentoring. She is the director of Sowers Education Group and lead author of Ending The Game: An Intervention Curriculum for Survivors of Sex Trafficking. Näytä lisää