What Are Emerging Markets? What Countries Are They?
https://centsai.com/must-reads/what-is/emerging-markets8.8.2021 · Kenya, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Oman …
Emerging Countries 2022 - worldpopulationreview.com
worldpopulationreview.com › emerging-countriesSome of the most rapidly emerging countries include Brazil, Turkey, Russia, India, and China. Other emerging countries include the oil-rich countries of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, and Iraq. Many of these countries are immensely wealthy because of their oil exports, yet that wealth does not come from a well-developed private sector and job growth.