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elsa schiaparelli biografia

Elsa Schiaparelli: la biografía de la talentosa diseñadora …
Desafortunadamente, Elsa Schiaparelli se retiró prematuramente del mundo de la moda al tener que dejar París durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La diseñadora tuvo que mudarse a Nueva …
Elsa Schiaparelli - Wikipedia › wiki › Elsa_Schiaparelli
Elsa Schiaparelli was a fashion designer from an Italian aristocratic background. She created the house of Schiaparelli in Paris in 1927, which she managed from the 1930s to the 1950s. Starting with knitwear, Schiaparelli's designs celebrated Surrealism and eccentric fashions. Her collections were famous for unconventional and artistic themes like the human body, insects, or trompe-l'œil, and for the use of bright colors like her "shocking pink". She famously collaborated with Salvador ...
Elsa Schiaparelli: A Biography (KNOPF): Secrest, Meryle ... › Elsa-Schiaparelli-Biography
Her name was Elsa Schiaparelli. She was known as the Queen of Fashion; a headline attraction in the international glitter-glamour show of the late twenties and thirties, feted in Rome (where she was born), Paris, New York, London, Moscow, Hollywood . . .
Elsa Schiaparelli: biografia, storia - il podcast F come Futura › elsa-...
La storia di Elsa Schiaparelli, che inventò dal rosa shocking e trasformò la moda in arte. Ascolta la storia della grande stilista nella sesta puntata di F ...
Elsa Schiaparelli | Fashion Designer Biography › elsa-schiaparelli
If there is any fashion designer who deserves to be called a genius and one hundred percent original, it would be none other than the avant garde queen of the fashion industry, Elsa Schiaparelli. Born in 1890 in Rome, she was a true non-conformist by nature; her designs were naturally born to stand out.
Elsa Schiaparelli - Wikipedia › wiki › Elsa_...
Elsa Schiaparelli (/ˌskæpəˈrɛli, ˌʃæp-/ SKAP-ə-REL-ee, SHAP-, also US: /skiˌɑːp-/ skee-AHP-, Italian: [ˈɛlsa skjapaˈrɛlli]; 10 September 1890 – 13 November 1973) ...
Elsa Schiaparelli – Wikipedia
Elsa Schiaparelli (1890 Rooma - 1973 Pariisi) oli italialainen muotisuunnittelija. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti huimapäisten ja humorististen yksityiskohtien tuomisesta haute couture -muotiin sekä yhteistyöstään surrealistitaiteilijoiden kanssa. Yksi tunnetuimmista Schiaparellin luomuksista on … Näytä lisää
Elsa Schiaparelli Biography, Quotes & Facts | British Vogue ... › article › elsa-schiaparelli
Apr 01, 2012 · By Bibby Sowray. 1 April 2012. Getty Images. Elsa Schiaparelli was an Italian fashion designer. Born in Rome in 1890 to an aristocrat mother and scholar father, she went on to study philosophy at the University of Rome before publishing a book of sensual poetry. The controversial book shocked her family and, as a result, she was sent to a convent.
Elsa Schiaparelli: biografia e abiti iconici - Elle Decor › people
Elsa nasce da una famiglia illustre di fine ottocento: la madre proveniva dall'aristocrazia napoletana, il padre era invece professore ...
Elsa Schiaparelli - Wikidata › wiki
Italian fashion designer and couturier (1890-1973)
Elsa Schiaparelli - Vogue › disenadores
Elsa Schiaparelli es una de las · Se casó con un vestido negro · Nacida en Roma en 1890, de padre astrónomo y madre aristócrata, · Cuando Elsa tenía dos años se ...
The Life of Fashion Designer Elsa Schiaparelli › the-life...
Elsa Schiaparelli was born in 1890, in the Corsini palace in Rome. With a father who was the director of the Lincei library and a professor of Oriental ...
Elsa Schiaparelli - Wikipedia
Elsa Schiaparelli was a fashion designer from an Italian aristocratic background. She created the house of Schiaparelli in Paris in 1927, which she managed from the 1930s to the 1950s. Starting with knitwear, Schiaparelli's designs celebrated Surrealism and eccentric fashions. Her collections were famous for unconventional and artistic themes like the human body, insects, or trompe-l'œil, and for the use of bright colors like her "shocking pink".
Elsa Schiaparelli: biografia della stilista italiana – …
12.3.2022 · Elsa Schiaparelli: la stilista italiana più famosa di sempre. Non è mai stata una donna qualunque, Elsa Schiaparelli. Nata a Roma nel 1890, proviene da una famiglia di scienziati, …
Elsa Schiaparelli: A Biography by Meryle Secrest - Goodreads › book › show
Jan 01, 2014 · Elsa Schiaparelli: A Biography. by. Meryle Secrest. 3.46 · Rating details · 224 ratings · 35 reviews. One of the most extraordinary fashion designers of the twentieth century, Elsa Schiaparelli was an integral figure in the artistic movement of the times. Her collaborations with artists such as Man Ray, Salvador Dalí, Jean Cocteau and Alberto Giacometti elevated the field of women's clothing design into the realm of art.
Elsa Schiaparelli - Marie Claire › termino
Elsa Schiaparelli, la gran excéntricaElsa Schiaparelli es la diseñadora del Surrealismo, y trabajó codo con codo con Salvador Dalí, Leonor Fini o Jean Cocteau; ...
Elsa Schiaparelli - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Biografía. Nació en el Palazzo Corsini en Roma. Su padre era decano de la Universidad de La Sapienza, orientalista y una autoridad en sánscrito.Era sobrina del astrónomo Giovanni …
Elsa Schiaparelli | French-Italian fashion designer | Britannica › biography › Elsa-Schiaparelli
Sep 06, 2022 · Elsa Schiaparelli, (born Sept. 10, 1890, Rome, Italy—died Nov. 13, 1973, Paris, France), Italian-born fashion designer who established an important couture house in Paris. She was famous for her Surrealist fashions of the 1930s and for her witty accessories, such as a purse in the shape of a telephone. Schiaparelli ran away from her upper-class family and worked in the United States briefly as a translator.
Elsa Schiaparelli | Fashion Designer Biography
Born in 1890 in Rome, she was a true non-conformist by nature; her designs were naturally born to stand out. Schiaparelli’s legendary career started when she was encouraged by Paul Poiret to …
Elsa Schiaparelli - Modapedia
Elsa Schiaparelli es una de las creadoras de moda más importantes de la historia. Se casó con un vestido negro, un dato que pone de manifiesto el carácter, el genio y el atrevimiento de …
Elsa Schiaparelli: storia dell'antagonista di Coco Chanel
4.3.2018 · Elsa Schiaparelli, biografia. A Elsa Schiaparelli la vita ha regalato antenati illustri. Suo zio Giovanni era stato famosissimo astronomo, scopritore dei canali su Marte che portano il …