Elisan häiriökartta
https://elisa.fi/kartatElisan verkon huoltotyöt; Laskut ja maksaminen. Katso laskusi OmaElisasta; Avoimet laskut; Mistä lasku muodostuu? Hae lisää maksuaikaa; Ohjeita laskuihin ja maksamiseen; Ohjeet ja …
ELISA - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › ELISAThe enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is a commonly used analytical biochemistry assay, first described by Eva Engvall and Peter Perlmann in 1971. The assay uses a solid-phase type of enzyme immunoassay to detect the presence of a ligand in a liquid sample using antibodies directed against the protein to be measured. ELISA has been used as a diagnostic tool in medicine, plant pathology, and biotechnology, as well as a quality control check in various industries. In the most simple form of an ELI
Overview of ELISA | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
www.thermofisher.com › us › enWhat is an ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)? ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a plate-based assay technique designed for detecting and quantifying soluble substances such as peptides, proteins, antibodies, and hormones. Other names, such as enzyme immunoassay (EIA), are also used to describe the same technology.