Egg Harbor Township Street Hockey Association
https://www.ehtstreethockey.comEHTSHA Scholarship Application The EHT Phantoms Street Hockey Scholarship is awarded to a player who has participated in the youth recreational league for at least seven years (excluding Chipmunk League) and who achieves academic success. The scholarship honors the dedication and enthusiasm for youth street hockey.
Egg Harbor Township Street Hockey Association
www.ehtstreethockey.comThe EHT Phantoms Street Hockey Scholarship is awarded to a player who has participated in the youth recreational league for at least seven years (excluding Chipmunk League) and who achieves academic success. The scholarship honors the dedication and enthusiasm for youth street hockey. An annual allotment of $4,000 is set aside for student ...
COED Street Hockey League – Street Hockey for men and ...
ehtcoedhockey.comCOED Street Hockey League Best COED League in South Jersey. Whether you are an experienced hockey player or looking for a new sport, this league is fun for all. Learn More Welcome to EHT Adult COED Street Hockey Join us for our next seasons, COED Fall 2020 and Men’s Fall 2020. Registration is now open! Party on. Follow us on social media…