Euro Hockey Tour - Wikipedia riviä · The Euro Hockey Tour ( EHT) is an annual ice hockey tournament open to only the national men's teams of the Czech Republic, Finland, Russia and Sweden. Most of the teams use the competition as a preparation for the upcoming World Championships or Olympics, allowing less experienced players to collect valuable ice time in their national colours .
Euro Hockey Tour - uusimmat sisällöt – · Suomen miesten jääkiekkomaajoukkue hävisi Prahan EHT-turnauksen lauantain päiväpelissä Ruotsille maalein 2–3. Leijonat matkusti heti ottelun jälkeen Riikaan, jossa MM-turnaus alkaa perjantaina. Leijonat 15.5.2021 Päätöserän tehohetki toi Leijonille voiton – Leijonat-tulokas maalasi jälleen ja koki kovia Venäjää vastaan
Event Horizon Telescope
eventhorizontelescope.orgNSBP/SAO EHT Scholars Program Opens New Research Pathways for Underrepresented Young Physicists September 16, 2020 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory partners with National Society of Black Physicists to launch annual research internship and recruitment opportunity Cambridge, MA (September 16, 2020)— The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory...
Event Horizon Telescope
https://eventhorizontelescope.orgNSBP/SAO EHT Scholars Program Opens New Research Pathways for Underrepresented Young Physicists September 16, 2020 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory partners with National Society of Black Physicists to launch annual research internship and recruitment opportunity Cambridge, MA (September 16, 2020)— The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory...
Employer Health Tax - Ministry of Finance › en › taxJan 01, 2017 · Employer Health Tax (EHT) is a payroll tax on remuneration paid to employees and former employees. The Ontario government has increased the EHT exemption for 2020 from $490,000 to $1 million due to the special circumstances caused by the coronavirus (COVID‑19) in Ontario.