Student housing - UEF Kamu › en › tietopankkiStudent accommodation in Kuopio. Kuopio Student Housing Company. Torikatu 15. tel. +358 (0) 17 264 0700. e-mail: Check the website for opening hours. Kuopas (Kuopio Student Housing Company) is a public company owned by the City of Kuopio that builds and maintains student housing in Kuopio.
University of Eastern Finland - › enThe University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is an international, participatory and inclusive scientific community. We have four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies. Our campuses are located in Joensuu and Kuopio.
Savonia UAS - Discover Savonia › enJan 18, 2023 · Welcome to Savonia UAS. We are a University of Applied Sciences committed to the education of strong professionals in seven different study fields. Our versatile programmes offer students the opportunity to study as a full-time student or alongside their work (Master’s Degree and specialised studies). Our campuses are located in the cities of ...
Kuopio Campus | University of Eastern Finland › en › kuopio-campusThe Kuopio Campus is located in beautiful surroundings, right by a lake. The area where the campus is located, Savilahti, is under constant development. The city is planning on turning Savilahti into an area filled with opportunities for studying, working and living. The Kuopio Campus is home to nearly 7,000 degree students.
Savonia-AMK – etusivu
https://www.savonia.fiVerkkoSavonia on yksi Suomen suurimmista ja monipuolisimmista ammattikorkeakouluista. Kampuksia on kolmella paikkakunnalla: Iisalmessa, Kuopiossa ja Varkaudessa. Savonia palvelee yli 7000 …
Savon ammattiopisto
https://sakky.fiVerkkoSavon koulutuskuntayhtymä, PL 87, 70211 Kuopio Savon ammattiopisto | Varkauden lukio. Puhelinvaihde 0 17 214 3000, avoinna ma-pe klo 9.00-10.30 ja 11.00-15.00
Studying Finnish | Kuopio › en › studying-finnish70100 Kuopio +358 17 214 3000. Kuopio Community College Puistokatu 20 +358 17 184 722 (during educational periods) Kuopio Upper Secondary School for Adults Maaherrankatu 2 70100 Kuopio +358 17 184 539. The Summer University of Kuopio Asemakatu 7 70110 Kuopio +358 44 746 2840. University of Eastern Finland Language Centre